The Art of two pairs of Hands Tantra Massage – YINDO Circle on July 28 2018
In our next YINDO circle, we come together to devote ourselves to the high school of massage – the two pairs of hands Tantra massage.
This is a practice with a long tradition and the opportunity for wonderful, deep experiences.
Also a time to work on all of our well known problems and inhibitions.
We all know that: thoughts are circling incessantly! Do not let us settle down, do not allow to find ourselves.
Often one’s own, continuous, circulating rationality seems like a blockade. It does not let us reach our own body-determined presence and wholeness. Nor does the necessary, existential relaxation.
The phenomenon of fear of rational loss of control is also part of this symptomatic circle.
In and with the two pairs of hands massage, we can undermine such mechanisms – the presence of more empathetic hands creates a body in an emotional state of “no-longer-able-to-know”.
Thus the feeling for time and space also recedes, it becomes unclear and unimportant, when the right touches occur. Our brain is no longer able to analyze and gives up control.
We experience exuberant sensuality and energy and our bodies become lighter, even seem to float and turn.
We want to get closer to this practice, these horizons, in our YINDO circle on July 28th.
We look forward to you!